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How to backup data on your Mac before trade in

Scott Stone

Updated: Oct 25, 2022

Before contacting any ITAD organisation it is important to consider what data you wish to keep. Currently, there are two main methods of saving data; Local and Cloud-based backup. Both of these methods should be utilised simultaneously to ensure you keep any necessary files before asset disposal.

3-2-1 Backup Strategy

Redundancy is key when determining a suitable solution for data backup. Ideally, you should ensure you have multiple backups stored physically and in the cloud as an optimal failsafe. In fact, Seagate, a leader in mass data storage solutions, references the 3-2-1 Backup Strategy as ‘‘the best approach to take when creating a backup strategy’’.

Local backup

Local backups utilises the use of an external storage device which needs to be directly connected to the device you are planning to trade in. These external storage devices are readily available to purchase online, each with varying storage capacities. Ideally, you will want to purchase an external storage device that has a large enough storage capacity to accommodate all the data you wish to save.

For Mac devices Apple provides a built-in application called Time Machine which offers a comprehensive interface to backup data. When your external storage device is connected you can configure the Time Machine to perform regular backups of any personal data such as photos, apps, music, emails, and documents. This feature also allows you to restore your Mac from a previous Time Machine, useful if you want to restore files and transfer them to a new Mac.

Manual data transfer is also another way to transfer files locally. Once you connect an external storage device this will appear as a drive on your desktop and can be used similarly to how you would transfer files to a folder. With this method, you will need to manually drag and drop any files from your Mac to your storage device. Manual transfer is preferred if you wish to transfer specific pieces of information such as documents, photos, music, or applications.

We would always advise storing copies of your data on at least two separate external drives with at least one of these stored securely offsite. This method should be combined with Cloud-based storage to maximise redundancy.

Cloud-based backup

Cloud-based backups provide the ability to save data to secure servers accessed over the Internet. This solution does not require the use of a physical external storage device but will require users to pay a subscription fee depending on the capacity of cloud storage needed.

There are a wide variety of different options available including iCloud, Dropbox, and Google Drive. Each of these options has different subscription plans, and features and can also offer enterprise storage solutions. For example, Google and Dropbox provide enterprise storage options that can be catered to your business needs, specifically in instances where large amounts of data need to be stored and saved.

Having a suitable backup process in your business is fundamental to prevent data loss. Most importantly, this process should maintain a consistent secure update of your data and one which follows the 3-2-1 strategy as best as possible.

If you have any Apple devices such an iPad, iMac, MacBook or Mac Mini please feel free to get in touch with us by calling 0208 191 1745 or emailing us at for advice or a quick quote.

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